
BeefEater 6" Rust Free Cast Iron U Grid / V Grill for Signature Series Grills

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This is BeefEater OEM Part Number 93826, which is a 6" Rust Free Cast Iron U Grid / V Grill for the 2013 and newer Signature Series 4 burner grill. If you have a 4 burner Beefeater this is the smaller grid on the Signature 4 burner grill.


This is the grid you need when you and the front drip rail on your grill. This U shaped grids channel the food grease down and through the holes in the front of the grids, down into the grease channel and down to the drip pan keeping your food out of the grease. This works similarly as the George Foreman grill.

Authenic BeefEater Replacement Rust Free Cast Iron Tough Porcelain Enamel High Quality Professional Cook Top Easy Cleaning

6" Wide x 18-7/8" Deep
190mm Wide x 480mm Deep

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