AWO Arizona Weathered Oak gas logs are MADE IN THE USA!!! From start to finish, you can be assured of the Highest quality available on any log you choose. With several options to choose from, these handpicked logs are cement molded with metal fibers for strength. Hand painted for an authentic look and quality, you can't tell the difference by looking if its the real thing or not. This collection combines beauty and detail from the forest to your living room. The original cast came from the Mountains of the Northern Arizona forest carefully picked. One particular log was struck by lightning more than 40 years ago giving the effect you see with the twisting, bulges, and cracking that are unique to the Weathered Oak. The Weathered Oak Collection are vented logs that are available in 18", 21", 24", 30", 36", 42", 48", and 60". These logs can be used for indoors and are compatible with Grand Canyon Gas Logs 1, 2, and 3 log burners to choose from to fit all your needs. The Arizona Weathered Oak also have a see-through version of the logs and burners so if you have a see-through fireplace, we can get you all fixed up. Must be installed by a licensed professional.
Grand Canyon Gas Logs are of cement material reinforced with steel fibers. Each log was hand picked and hand painted to re create the most realistic and natural as possible. The burner systems that are designed for these specific log sets combined give you as close to natural wood burning fire as possible. These are designed to be vented logs and must be burned in a fully vented non-combustible fireplace.
Hand Picked
Hand Painted
Cement with Metal Fiber
Made in the USA
From Northern Arizona
Natural Looking
Lifetime Warranty (see warranty)
There are several sizes and also see through versions as well so if you don't see what you need here, please feel free to call.
Arizona Weather Oak Charred by Grand Canyon Gas Logs (GCGL) AWOC18LOGS are 18" Logs that are US made with Metal Re-enforced ceramic that cast and radiate heat like nobodies' business. These Gas logs...
Found in the Northern Arizona Forest Grand Canyon Gas Logs were started here and the end product were manufactured here. Made proudly in the USA these Arizona Western Oak AWO60LOGS are Refractory...
Found in the Northern Arizona Forest Grand Canyon Gas Logs AWO21LOGS were started here and the end product were manufactured here. Made proudly in the USA these Arizona Western Oak are Refractory...
Found in the Northern Arizona Forest Grand Canyon Gas Logs were started here and the end product were manufactured here. Made proudly in the USA these Arizona Western Oak AWO42LOGS are Refractory...
The 24" AWO24LOGS Grand Canyon Gas Logs are MADE in the USA from the cast logs to the stainless burners you can be assured of the best quality the US has to offer. The Arizona Weathered Oak line of...